Job Endangerment


Lisa Skonetski


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Mail Order BPI - Tim Croft


PSC CC Dallas

PCS eth folder

Lisa Skonetski

Job Endangerment

[crossed out: ] Bridge Publications

Tim Croft Mail Order BPI

We have run newspaper ads for quite some time promoting Dianetics. People have alawys responded somehow to these ads. In the past once a person responded off the ad someone at 1-800 unit would sell a book or books then the order comes straight to us and the books are sent out. Our 24 hour rule was slammed in hard as well as the Deliver PL. About 6 weeks ago 1-800 informed me that we no longer would receive the book orders and that Bridge would send out all book orders. Our FBO reduced the number of ads we were running from 10 to 1. We still got calls and people were still ordering books although they were being sent from Bridge.

As we contacted public we were getting reports of no books received. This was causing Dev-T for us because then we would have to call 1-800 who would have to call BPI - then someone would have to call us back - then

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we would have to call the public back!

Today I was calling folks who had ordered books and 3 out of 4 reached had not gotten their books. I called Shawn at 1-800. He then informed me that Bridge has changed their operating basis and are no longer sending out COO!! That all the orders they'd received, they were sending letters to people.

Additionally, about 10 days ago Shawn at 1-800 told me we had to start doing our own book orders as Bridge was overloaded. This is directly cutting LRH's comm line to public and someone somewhere is making individual decisions! This violates the Deliver PL grossly.

This needs to get handled ASAP.

This is True,

Lisa Skonetski

FSO 01469