I & R Form 1


Lisa Skonetski

Date:April 19, 1987

I & R FORM 1

Dept 3 Inspection

NAME Lisa Skonetski
DATE 4/19/87


No Rpt of Stat _____

Fallen Stat _____

Downtrend Stat __X__

False Stat _____

Normal stat for post BIS, NBS, NNCF, NBSR, NPI
Comm Basket Inspection Pending is better, only one thing staledated
Stale Dates letters, but getting done right now
State of Admin Files, Logs fine
State of Area fine
[check mark] State of Any Equipment fine - phone in bookseller office not working
Product Quality fine / not enough
[check mark] Backlogs letters, cards 4 days backlogged calls out to public
Org Bd not in dept; one junior blown, 1 very part-time
Knowledge of Hat SSII - mini hat; started full hat - last on it 2 months - 1 month since study
Knowledge of Checksheet lousy
Knowledge of Pack lousy

FSO 1815

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Knowledge of Manuals or Books None full thru / familiar w/ some POW, Dn 55, DMSMH, SA
Knowledge of Outstanding Orders 2 TMO's / 5.4x plans for Ad Council, NBS quota
Attitude to Post pretty good;
Interest of Senior in Post good
Excuses or Explanations Advanced for Stat Situation promo not adequate or to the right people, not enuff staff
Meter Check attached
Physical State back went out 4/20/87 - otherwise fine
Case Folder mid-grade IV - off for other handlings
Ethics Folder fine - not much going into it lately except condits from ethics cycle
Conclusion of Inspector as to WHY needs hatting; needs to estab area w/ more personnel - too much Phase I

[signature: ] C Chamberlain

Signed Inspector

To Dept Pers Enhancement



Programmed for Full hat - M-1
Comments Has paid for own auditing. Is supposed to study while auditing going on - not happening - needs M-1 before Full Hat to do better. All study seems to be toward 1st Dynamic & other 3rd dynamic

FSO 01816

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To Exec Dir (C/O or HCO ES) _________________

To I & R Dept 3 files



Copyright (c) 1970, 1983

by L. Ron Hubbard


FSO 01818

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Changes Recommended and Entered on Pers Pgm M-1 must be next

[signature: ] Kathy Brod

Signed Dept of P.E.

To Dept Org Correction


Investigation of Division One person manning Division - has some ppl part time. Bk seller recently blown.
Situation of this Area of Org Division has not been established gets unmocked easily
Recommendations (Also note in Dept Org Corr Records) Needs hatting as an exec - Esto 16 to really blast open "Big Think"

[signature: ] [illegible - possibly Steve Decker or Stuart Cameron])

Signed Dept of Org Corr

To Exec Dir (C/O or HCOES

Actions Ordered based on above or personal Inspection (1) SF prod clearing on prods of her Div and depts

(2) Esto Ser 16 Steps to get her on post & on the correct actions



Compliance ____________________


Signed HAS

FSO 01817