--> Ethics file
2 Jan 87
Lisa Skonetski
1. Bypass habits & normal routines as NPI stat was contributing
factor and no application of conditions
done A) Write up condition with _intention_ to apply it
done B) Keep daily BP to ensure maximum production
done C) re-institute lectures - on _all_ applicable times
done D) _Sr_ Duffy and ensure she gets products
done E) Set quotas regularly and strive to _meet_ them
done F) Call bookbuyers regularly
2. Handle the situation & any danger in it
A) work on hot prospects first
B) be unreasonable with people's stops on coming in
C) _drill_ so that good control is run on prospects
D) get people in the door
3. Assign Danger
FSO 01933
4. Get in your own personal ethics...
A) Was _not_ scheduling people for lectures on scheduled times _DO
done B) Was backlogging receipts to book buyers DONT DO THAT
done C) Was reasonable w/ Sanara on her conditions - get her to apply
condition NOW - no more Q&A!
done D) Was not intending to apply conditions, just wrote them up to PR
senior - get intention in to apply condition and do it
5. Reorganize your life so that the dangerous situation is not
continually happening to you
A) Keep BP IN
B) Get cycles on BP done routinely
C) Stay on time schedule of calling BBYRS, 1-800 prospects NPI
prospects etc so that they all get contacted
D) _Always_ tell people about lectures as part of patter
FSO 01935
6. Formulate and adopt firm policy...
A) If I see a back log coming _at_all_ demand reinforcements (IE
all hands in DIV 6)
B) Apply conditions and implement in BP application of them
C) _Always_ invite people to lectures
D) drill tough cycles
I feel _very_ good about being able to _do_ this LS
FSO 01937