Ethics Program


Flag MAA


An undated Flag Ethics Program for Lisa McPherson.

The routing information shows that a copy is to go to her Ethics File, her PC/Pre-OT Folder, and the Time Machine.

The section labelled "Situation in need of handling:" is left blank.

Under "The following ethics program is issued to you to get done:" the following items appear:

1. Look up the Danger Section in ISF Book.

2. Do O/W write up re work/honesty

[written between 2 & 3] Read "J & D" PTS/SP Pack

3. Write a KR on 2D

Look up column Y in S.O.S.

FSO 00760

None of the TM boxes along the right are filled in.

The Ethics Program is signed by the Flag MAA, but the signature is illegible.

FSO 00760>