Phone Summary - Gregory Sparkman, Ex-boyfriend

Date:July 29, 1997


FLO520300/Clearwater Police Department Report No. 95-29158
Offense Death Investigation Date of Report 7/29/97

Location 644 Pierce Street Orig Incident Date 12/6/95
Victim Lisa McPherson VI Prosecute Yes X No
Investigator Jorge Carrasquillo
Previous Status Active
Impound Inventory


On July 29, 1997, 1 spoke with an individual who identified himself as Gregory Sparkman an ex-boyfriend of Lisa McPherson. Sparkman provided the following information:

Sparkman, Gregory Blake W/M 01/XX/60

1075 Paul Wilson Rd.

Wylie, Tx. 75098

Home Tel. 214-XXX-XXXX

Sparkman stated he met Lisa in February of 1992 at a dance hall. Sparkman said they dated from February of 1992 until August of 1992. Sparkman said when he started dating Lisa she was still dating a guy named Frantz, who was a Scientologist. Sparkman stated he was not a Scientologist. Sparkman said while they were dating Lisa brought up L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology. Sparkman said they lived together for awhile. Sparkman said the last time he saw Lisa was April 20, 1993, when his son was born. Sparkman said Lisa came by to see his new born son. Sparkman said he had two phone conversations with Lisa after April of 1993. One in December of 1993, when Lisa called to tell him she has to move to Florida. Sparkman said she did not sound too happy. Sparkman said the second telephone call occurred around April or May of 1994. Sparkman said during the conversation Lisa gave him the impression she wanted to move back to Texas.

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FL0520300/ Clearwater Police Department Report No. 95-29158
Offense Death Investigation Date of Report 7/29/97

Sparkman said he had no further contact with Lisa McP herson, however he thought it was important to tell me that she wanted to return to Texas.

Ofc. Reporting Det. Jorge Carrasquillo ID No. 630
Case Status Active Date Cleared
Clearance Type Exception Type
1. Arrest

Adult Juvenile

2. Exceptional

3. Unfounded
1. Extradition declined

2. AR of primary offense,

secondary offense,

w/o prosecution
3. Death of Offender

4. V/W refused to cooperate

5. Prosecution declined

6. Juv/No Custody

Ofc. Reviewing                      Date          SAO Info
Sgt. W. Andrews [signature]         7/30/97

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